***I have been compensated by AVEENO and JOHNSON’S® Baby for this post about Mommy Must Haves; however, I am sharing my own thoughts. All opinions are my own.*** I remember my early mom days too well. Leaving the house with a newborn and a toddler took no less than two hours prep and my entire […]
10 Summer Hacks For Mom’s Sanity
Anyone else already feeling a teensy snowed by all the hefty summertime fun? 3 cheers for no school! Truth told, I do love the break from school and the chance to do more of the fun stuff with my kiddos, but trying to keep up with the day-to-day silly things, like laundry, putting food on […]
The 20 Best Christmas Reads
It’s officially upon us, friends! It’s Christmastime! This season is gorgeous and full–full of love, friends, family, and busyness too. So here’s an easy-peasy touch-down point for you: all of the best Mom of the Year Christmas-themed posts in one spot so you can check in whenever suits you and read them all or just settle […]
You’re Doing it Right
I’ve been working on a new theory over here in my neck of the summer activity marathon. It’s still a work in progress, so bear with me; let’s hash it out together. It’s a pretty simple idea, actually: when attempting to rock this insane gig of parenthood, if you feel like you want to die, […]
Dumb Ways JR
***This post is sponsored by The Motherhood in conjunction with Dumb Ways JR.*** I’ve shared a bit with you, friends, about my son’s passionate love for all things Angry Birds. It is a most serious dedication, and the joy it brings him is so sincere, screen time with his birds every day is an easy allowance to make. […]
Lower the Bar
I’ve been a bit rough of late–rougher than usual. Sickness, demanding work schedules and general lack of ability to manage this life gig have definitively booted showers into the “possible” category and well, let’s just say the playroom is temporarily off limits until some form a trail can be blazed through the horrifying clutter. Yet […]
Three Cheers for the Good Effort!
I’m so glad I get to tell you about the funny new movie Daddy’s Home on my blog – it’s a perfect match for me and my family. You see, Daddy’s Home is about two dads working hard to wow their kids, but fantastically blundering it up as they go. And as far as parenting […]
Track Milestones and Don’t Miss a Single Step
When I kicked off this parenting gig, I had it all perfectly lined out. I had the baby book at the ready AND a blank stork-themed calendar that would allow me to make daily entries recording notes about my son’s activities and development after he was born. It was a gorgeous affair–that lasted for a solid […]
Who Knew? You CAN Survive These Parenting Years!
When Huggies asked me to share a post with you about my tips and tricks for surviving the parenting years, I thought, “Of course! I have it ALL figured out, so it’s a perfect fit!” I’ve breezily navigated the transition to solid food, deftly transferred my children from cribs to beds, gotten them out of diapers, sailed through […]
For The Mommas Whose Hearts Hurt
Last week was a tad on the brutal side for me. You see, I had dedicatedly laid the ground work to rock my Mom of the Year title by volunteering to help with not one but BOTH of my kids’ class parties. Yup, silly things like work assignments, laundry piles, and Mommy’s sanity be darned! […]
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