I am broken this Christmas season. Large parts of this are that my dad isn’t here. Before he died, I hadn’t understood how grief could hurt physically, but the pain can be so acute it takes my breath away. My body is knocked down by the still present long covid I battle, which I’ve learned […]
On Being an Adult Orphan
I am 42. I am an orphan, and I am in profound grief. My mom died 10 years ago today, and my dad died 6 weeks ago yesterday. I am writing this for myself and for anyone else in similar shoes. When I first started this blog 10 years ago, it served as therapy as […]
When Grief Rages
Every year around this time, I share what’s most on my mind about my mom. While I’d always love to think my experience might grasp someone else hurting, the therapeutic catharsis has been a gift to myself. It’s been seven years since she died, and it still wows me how grief continues to reveal itself, […]
DIY Flower Bouquets with Kids: A Most Beautiful Tribute
Six years ago, March 2nd, my mother took her leave from this earth. One of the greatest gifts since has been celebrating her life in small ways through our day-to-day. When Wayfair suggested creating a fresh flower bouquet, I knew immediately what the perfect Spring project with my kiddos would be! You see, for years […]
Hey There, Lonely Girl
When my mom died six years ago, I began writing a post every year on the anniversary of her death. I’m not entirely sure why, to be honest. Maybe to process my feelings. Maybe to remember her. Maybe to experience ongoing realness of a relationship with her. To help others feel maybe a little less […]
Then I Lost My Cheerleader
Five years ago today, my mother took her exit from this earth. When she left, it hurt, in so very many ways. I write this not for those who knew her, nor those who stand on the sidelines, but for those who have been in these same painful shoes. Those who will understand that a […]
The 20 Best Christmas Reads
It’s officially upon us, friends! It’s Christmastime! This season is gorgeous and full–full of love, friends, family, and busyness too. So here’s an easy-peasy touch-down point for you: all of the best Mom of the Year Christmas-themed posts in one spot so you can check in whenever suits you and read them all or just settle […]
How to Love a Friend Through the Loss of Infertility
I believe God works in this world and that He works in mysterious ways, ways that I will never understand. But when last week, I reconnected with a dear friend whom I haven’t seen for a bit, and she said the words, “Mere, I have these words. These words I have to share because I know other […]
I Want Them to Know Her
Four years ago today, my mom died. When she first left, I relied heavily on this blog as a therapy. My readers, my patient, kind readers, let me say the words I needed to say, often over and over as the processing gave way to bits of healing. There are many reasons I give thanks for […]
The Circus Show
Lest you’ve ever felt things have ever been slightly out of control in 2015, this re-post’s for you…and here’s to fresh starts, friends! I’d like to report that Monday, the three year anniversary of my mother’s death, ended up being a day of blessing, a day of reflective happiness spent with my children, niece and […]