***Thank you to Wayfair for sponsoring this post so I could fill you in on our honey harvest! All opinions are 100% my own.*** It’s the end of August, friends, and as the weather gets ready to turn and the kids head back to school, it’s also time for the year’s first harvest! While gourds […]
The Night of Growing Up
Last Wednesday night should have been an average weekday night in February. You know, the kind of night where you feel like a rockstar for schooling Kindergarten homework and braving the 19 degree windchill for a venture out to the mailbox. Nothing notable was planned or expected. My husband was working late. My only hope was to land the […]
My Science Geek
I told you last month that my husband and I were going to a gala for a work event, but I never updated post-event. In a word: fabulous. As reported, the gala was for a machine. Yup, a machine. A flow cytometer, to be exact. What is a flow cytometer? I have absolutely no clue. I do know that […]
Let’s Talk about the Raccoon
This holiday week, I’m going to share a couple of my favorite posts from the past year. When looking over what I’d published, I found a lot of sentiments about letting go and embracing where you’re at in this life, the continued presence of missing my mother, shout-outs to my perpetually growing obsession with reading, and one tribute to […]
Gala 411
It’s a big night around these parts, friends. To restate, I am leaving the house. Before you fall over in shock, let me tell you the whole story–it’s to ATTEND A GALA. Okay, now I’ll pause a minute while this sinks in… … Not sinking in? I know, I get it. This is truly an […]
Downy to the Rescue!
I remember the good old days. The days when we had a “Laundry Day”. When I would put something in the washer and then actually fold it and put it away within the same 24 hr. period. When there was less constant need for stain stick. When there was very little, if any urine-frangranced dirty […]
With a Sidelong Glance to the Bees
Long about 3 months ago, my husband officially delved into his bee obsession. The hives were bought. The sidelong expressions were initiated. In short, I thought he was crazy and he knew it. In I Just Want to Be Alone, I wrote about all the “fun chats” that went into “our” decision to go forth with […]
Let’s Talk about the Raccoon
One night last week when my husband was gone, I was jolted from a deep sleep at 1:45am by the dog barking. Except, my chocolate lab warrior wasn’t just barking, he was growling, with hackles raised and he was warning me. Only minorly terrified and completely panicked, I reached for my phone beside the bed. […]
The Non-Suck Part
Blow me away; I survived my husband’s business trip last week. Survival defined as 1)keeping my children alive and mostly fed, while 2)significantly limiting the mental explicatives that flew when my husband called and announced that the whole of Germany’s airline pilots were going on strike, thus potentially delaying his return home by 3 days. […]
The Road to Freedom is Paved with Soap
Listen, just because I’m rockin’ my 30s, does not mean I can’t be served a good education once in a while. My recent tag-along to my husband’s business trip to Boston was slammed full of great lessons. In fact, I can’t think of a recent time when I learned so very much. Since I love […]