Being a parent can be super stressful when you’re juggling anything and everything all at once. If you want to keep your sanity in check, taking the time to decompress is a must. It’s okay to be tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, fed up—these are all natural emotions, and try as you might to prove otherwise, you are indeed a mortal person, not some superhuman tasked with saving everyone else’s day but your own.

Seriously, bottling these things up for too long can lead you to the brink of implosion. If you want to take the selfless route and claim there’s simply no way to carve out “me time” during the day because you have too many other people to take care of, then consider your children and spouse. They deserve Mom at her very best, rather than someone who’s irritable, forgetful, and unpleasant.
It might seem counterintuitive, but taking time away from them can actually benefit them when you return feeling refreshed and restored. If it sounds like Mission Impossible, use these four tips to relieve stress as a busy parent. By the end of this blog post, you’ll understand that “not enough time” is not an excuse that should be in your vocabulary!

- Listen to Music
You arrive at the errand of the hour, pull the car into park, and frantically gather your things so you can get in and out of the store as quickly as possible, failing to even notice that your favorite song from college is playing on the radio in the background.
Slow down. Appreciate these little moments and pay attention to the things that remind you of who you once were before devoting your life to family. It doesn’t even have to be a touching song that evokes memories; music across the board can calm nerves down.
With kids in the back seat of the car, it can be hard to immerse yourself in the listening experience. Maybe it’s time to pick up a pair of wireless headphones so you can have your own private dance party while folding laundry or doing chores around the house. Not only will it make the time fly by faster, relieving you of the mundane task at hand, but you’ll notice an elevated mood as anxious thoughts begin to fade into the background.

- Do What You Love Most
You need to love yourself first and foremost, so give yourself the pleasure of doing what makes you happy once in a while! The thought might sound indulgent or extravagant, but I assure you, it’s not. When you start to value yourself—including all the passions held close to your heart—then your kids will start to show you more respect in return.
What do you love to do? Or, what hobbies have you wanted to try that you’ve held yourself back on? Pottery class, painting at wine night, salsa dancing, and Zumba classes are a few ideas to spark your imagination, but the ball is in your court!
- Give Yoga a Try
If you can’t quite put your finger on an activity calling your name, you should definitely try taking a class at your local yoga studio. Once you step onto the mat, everything goes quiet and nothing else matters. With practice, you’ll learn to drown out the world and all of its external stressors by focusing on your breath and your body. Inhale love and abundance,
exhale chaos and calamity.
But “you’re busy,” you protest? To that, we say “nonsense”! A yoga class takes no more than an hour; there is certainly a way for you to squeeze a session in once per week. Stock up on some super high quality CBD gummies, slip into the right state of mind, and step away for a little while
- Take a Long, Indulgent Shower
Whether you’ve just returned from the studio and want to extend your self-care time, or you’re retreating from the World War III unfolding in the living room, always remember the shower is there for you to enjoy whenever you need a few moments of solitude. We promise, the earth will not freeze over if you decide to take a while longer and lather yourself up with a nourishing body wash.
Final Verdict
Moms are the do-it-all heroes of the family, but what are you doing for yourself? No matter how packed your schedule may be, always allow time to manage stress and balance life so you feel your best, for you and yours.
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Janine Huldie says
Great advice and I agree with all of the above, especially doing what you love to help combat stress.
Meredith says
Anything we can do to get through these crazy days, no? Godspeed, mama! <3