Proper garden care is something that every gardener should strive for. It will increase the longevity and quality of all of your plants, vegetables, and fruits. Depending on what you plant, you need to think about how much sun your plants need, if you need to provide cold weather plant protection, and how much water is needed. Otherwise, your garden will struggle and suffer, no matter what you do. If you want your beautiful flowers and wonderful crops to be able to survive the changing seasons, then it is important that you learn the ways of your garden and understand how it works. Here are just a few tips to help you.

6 Must-Dos for Strong Plants
Checking the health of your plants
No matter what you are growing, you should inspect your plants regularly to see if they are healthy and pest and rot-free. A good time to do this is when you are transplanting your garden plants from nurseries to the landscape. If you were to bring in an infected or diseased plant and place it in your healthy garden, it could destroy all of your hard work and ruin your veggies.
It is just like a disease running through a human population. As well as keeping an eye out for this, you need to keep track of the insects and pests in your garden. If you find gnats or aphids, then it is essential you act quickly in order to prevent as much damage as you can.
Watering your garden properly
This sounds easier than it is. Every plant is different when it comes to its water needs. If you overwater your plants too often then they may develop fungi and leaf spots and ultimately this will lead to unhealthy plants. You need to water only as necessary. An important thing to know is that this will change depending on the season. Make sure that the soil has time to dry between your watering so that it does not become oversaturated.
The trick is to water well and not soak your plants. Also, it is well worth avoiding wetting the foliage of your plants. Water directly into your soil. It is easier to do this when you water by hand which is the safest way to keep your plants healthy. If you want to automate the process, then you may want to look into irrigation over sprinklers.
Treating your soil
This may be something that you don’t know about. Soil degrades over time and thus has to be refreshed every now and again. You can buy soil from your local garden center which is not too expensive. Make sure to check your soil regularly and replace it when it is needed. Also, you should think about adding mulch to your soil as it will help it retain water and keep weeds down. Many gardeners also encourage fertilizing your garden in order to keep it healthy. The type of fertilizer you need will vary depending on what you are growing as will the amount you need. Research what will work for your plants.
Cleaning your tools
This may sound a little silly, but it is really important in order to prevent the spreading of disease and bacteria. Using the same tools to treat different plants can introduce dangerous elements into your garden which will help to kill them. Having clean and well-maintained tools will keep your garden going for longer and it will make the process much easier for you.
Keeping on top of plant maintenance
You also need to spend time maintaining your plants. This is more than just watering them. You need to cull, prune and remove deadheads from them. All of this will encourage new growth in the plant. Pruning will cut back the branches of your plants and allow you to control their growth. This means you can make room for more plants. Culling your plants will help to clean up any unhealthy parts of the plants and stop any disease from spreading. It will also discourage pests from getting involved in your garden and help your garden to remain healthy and vibrant.
Looking after your garden and making it strong
The best way to look after your garden is to get into the habit of enjoying gardening. It is all about making habits because it is hard work, and it will take a lot of time. But you will see the rewards of your labor throughout the year if you do it right. Having a garden that blooms consistently is any gardener’s dream. It is not easy but worth it.
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