I will never, ever forget the day we met our first child. My husband and I were young, silly, and convinced we needed a dog in our lives. Turns out, we did; we really, really did need this dog. He went and changed our lives in a very sweet way, you see.
The pooch we snatched up from that crazed (are we picking the right dog??) Lab Rescue Adoption Day has proven to be fully neurotic, a complete mess, and a perfect match for us. I could fill your ears with Bailey stories, lovey ones (his most peaceful place on this earth is curled in ball with his head burrowed underneath my bum), horror-worthy ones (yes, it’s true–one year he ate our Christmas tree), and silly ones (the time he wolfed down an entire bag of coffee beans and was then vexed with us for an entire 2 days because he had a caffeine headache), but the most important thing to know is that he is ours.
And we love him.
The only tricky wicket is that we don’t know exactly what or who he is. We grabbed onto this guy at a chaotic Pet Smart event and immediate enveloped him into our lives without knowing anything other than he was a cutie-patootie with dark brown fur who appeared to be about 10 months old.
Largely, our lack of knowledge about his history hasn’t been an obstacle. His behavior pretty quickly told us he had severe separation anxiety issues–from wherever they came, so we figured this–and all the rest of Bailey–out as we went. But there have been times it would have been nice to know…more.
And this is where the Wisdom Panel Canine DNA test would help. They offer unique DNA tests for dogs, which helps owners make more informed decisions about the health and wellness of their pet. Knowing the breeds in your dog’s ancestry, can tell you a lot about how to keep them happy and healthy.
Why does this DNA test matter?
Want to know what health concerns your dog is at risk for? Seeing a specific symptom and not sure if it’s normal or not for your dog? Wanting to understand more about your dog’s temperament to help gauge the success of potential family changes (i.e. having kids, moving, etc.)? Need to know how big your dog will become so you can assess proper future space accomodations? These tests can help you sort these important questions!
With millions of mixed-breed dog owners in the U.S., having access to reliable breed ancestry information can be critical for the nutrition, training and overall healthcare of their furry family member. Understanding the breeds that make up their dog enables much more targeted care and in some cases provides lifesaving information.
What is MDR1?
MDR1 or Multi-Drug Resistance 1 is a genetic mutation found in some herding and sighthound breeds, as well as many mixed-breed dogs. The MDR1 gene is responsible for production of a protein called P-glycoprotein. The P-glycoprotein molecule is a drug transport pump that plays an important role in limiting drug absorption and distribution (particularly to the brain) and enhancing the excretion/elimination of many drugs used in dogs. For more information on breeds and drugs affected by the MDR1 mutation, visit www.wisdompanel.com/MDR1_Disease_Screening.
Why is it important to know if my dog has the MDR1 mutation?
Dogs with the MDR1-mutation may have severe adverse reactions to some common drugs, so it is important to test mixed-breed (and purebreds with the high-propensity breeds) dogs and for owners to share results with their veterinarian so they can provide the dog with for the best possible care. For more information on breeds and drugs affected by the MDR1 mutation, visit www.wisdompanel.com/MDR1_Disease_Screening
What are the benefits of canine genetic testing?
Turns out, even adopting a dog from a Lab Rescue event doesn’t guarantee it’s a Labrador Retreiver. Did you know visual identification of a dog’s breed(s) is only accurate about 25% of the time. That leaves a 75% chance for error and mis-identification, which can mean creating much less effective health, nutrition and behavioral plans.
The information from a canine DNA test can help develop a training program that works with a dog’s natural instincts (breeds) and a better understanding their behavior characteristics. It can assist in developing a nutrition plan for breed-specific needs and/or achieving/maintaining healthy weight as well as determining what the adult size of your dog might be and understanding the breeds within your dog, in order to lookout for any breed-specific health concerns or common issues.
How does it work?
Use a cheek swab to collect a DNA sample from inside your dog’s cheek, and then send the swabs into the laboratory. Once your sample is received at the lab it is scanned into the Wisdom Panel database and assigned to a batch for testing. The swabs then undergo processing to extract the DNA from your dog’s cells which are then examined for the 321 markers used in the test. The results of these markers are sent to a computer that evaluates them using a proprietary algorithm designed to consider all of the possible pedigree trees in the last three generations.
These trees include a simple pedigree with a single breed (a likely pure-bred dog) all the way up to a complex tree with eight different great-grandparent breeds. The algorithm uses information from the extensive Wisdom Panel breed database (more than 10,000 samples!) to fill out these potential pedigrees.
How accurate is Wisdom Panel® 3.0?
Wisdom Panel does not offer a guaranteed accuracy level, however if a good, clean sample is obtained—dog does not share any food/toys/water with any other dogs prior to testing and doesn’t eat any food/treats—accuracy can be about 90%.
Is this outrageously expensive?
No! The cost is very reasonable: $84.99 (with free shipping to and from!) for the Wisdom Panel® 3.0 Canine DNA Test that reveals your dog’s genetic background back to the great-grandparent level, provide a predicted weight profile and potentially life-saving test for the MDR1 genetic mutation. Wisdom Panel 3.0 covers more than 250 breeds, types and varieties including almost all those recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and can be run for mixed-breed, designer, or purebred dogs.
What is in the Wisdom Panel® 3.0 Canine DNA Test Kit?
- Instructions
- DNA cheek swabs – all for use on one dog
- Drying insert for swabs
- Pre-paid shipping label and box
How long does it take to receive results?
It normally takes 2-3 weeks from the time a sample is received for the genetic testing and analysis to be completed.
How do I get a kit?
Easy. Pop over to Wisdom Panel and order a kit–sent to you with free shipping!
Or…if you are local to Scottsdale, AZ, head over on December 5!
The Wisdom Panel will have a booth at the The Holiday Pet Festival is in Scottsdale AZ on December 5. Visitors who bring their dogs to the Wisdom Panel booth there can get them swabbed on-site for a special price($39.99. MSRP is $84.99) or take home a discounted do-it-yourself kit($49.99). Within three weeks of receipt of the cheek swab test, dog owners will be emailed an official Ancestry Report revealing their dog’s genetic background. Sweet! Simple, easy and uber-informative!
Follow along with the Wisdom Panel for more events and news on their social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. This brand is on the cusp of innovation and you don’t want to miss their latest happenings!
As for us, I look with love upon our 11 yr. old rescue dog, Bailey. I’m thankful for all that I know he is, and thankful for all that Wisdom Panel can help me learn about what I don’t know about this pooch. You see, since that fateful day at Pet Smart, this dog went and became a part of our lives…a part of our family, and I want to know everything about him that I can. Because he’s mine.
****Thanks to Mars Veterinary Wisdom Panel 3.0 for sponsoring this post so I could share their canine DNA testing products with you!****
First image credit: depositphotos.com, Image ID:21360029, Copyright:jbryson
Third image credit: depositphotos.com, Image ID:9889235, Copyright:eriklam
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Cynthia Gabriele Sprouts Consignment Boutique says
Not surprising that they have this testing for dogs as we spend a great deal of money on them & should be more informed of their particular breeds/breed.
Meredith says
I know, right? And there are so many benefits to getting the whole scoop! Thanks for checking in, Cindy!